At last Páp is coming back from Germany. Mám and I went at 10 to the quays and stayed till we saw the ‘Killarney’ and then walked along waving to Páp whom we saw quite plainly. He is looking very well, though a bit thin. Went home and had a great talk, we telling him all our adventures and he his. He told us again and again what a different people they are in Germany from every point of view, in universal culture, love of the beautiful, friendliness, cleanliness in every possible way. He had a glorious holiday. Grossmamma [Grandmother] hasn’t a single grey hair, and is 80! She can walk for hours and has a wonderful memory. Páp’s best friend there is Dr. Berberich, cathedral choir conductor, who has an extraordinary choir. Miss O’Brien was for dinner and we all enjoyed Páp’s account immensely. In the night-time attacked ‘Falling Leaves’. Had the atmosphere, but of course could not pen it.
Written in terrible hurry because Páp can’t bear seeing me writing my diary.