Dr. Scannell gave me 3 fine overprinted Maltese stamps to-day. He and Fr. Dalton made up a ballad of about 20 verses for the match which is coming off to-morrow between Cork and Kilkenny. They are real babies. Dr. Scannell is going up to Dublin this evening with the team, and they all intend singing this patriotic lay. I was nearly pulled to pieces when the fellows spotted my new pull-over. Nothing escapes their observation. Joe Mangan, a very good pupil of Mám’s and my old class-mate in Christians, is actually giving up piano, and going to Dublin to enter Brase’s band! In the contract he must swear to stay for 12 years in it, and will have to live practically as a common soldier! I am afraid his career is ruined. His ambition is, of course, to become a great band-conductor.