Dr. Scannell told us all about the murder of the Czar and his family during the Russian revolution of 1917 in class this morning. Eugène Beauharnais, who became Duke of Leuchtenberg, settled down in southern Russia. His children’s tutor later became tutor to the Czarovitch, and Dr. Scannell read a book by him describing how the Czar and his family fled to Tobolsk, were thrown into a dungeon by the Jewish prefect, and brutally murdered. ((It was the Kerensky government that banished the Czar and family to Tobolsk, where they lived in the governor’s house from August 1917 to April 1918. On 30 April they were removed to the city of Yekaterinburg in the Urals. There they lived in the Ipatiev villa for nearly three months. In July 1918 they were murdered in the cellar of that building. The killing was ordered by the leaders of the revolution and not by any local official, Jewish or otherwise.)) – I think I did nothing but laugh and fight the whole day. The boys attacked me in Fr. Murphy’s class to-day, but I held my own against them. – Mrs. Sullivan took tea while I was doing my ex. and I had to talk with her. Got finished nevertheless and read.