Back again, ‘with eyes like lead, accents uncertain.’ Got first in History, English, Latin and Maths and second in Irish, but I am not satisfied. It was by too small a margin in each case and in my English comp. I went down hopelessly, getting only 54, while another fellow got 72. Still I pulled up. We have only 6 weeks, and got an enormous amount of work to get through. Saw ‘Jean Geste’, an excellent picture, devoid of the usual sentimental piffle, though melodramatic still didactic and tragic, and giving a good idea of sandy Morocco and the French Foreign Legions.
Establishment of I.W.S., ‘The Illustrious Watercress Society,’ J. Lynch as President. Every day three of us break bounds at lunch, gather bunches of watercress in a stream some fields away from school. Then we repair to a secret nook and munch the green stuff with bread we carry with us. It is excellent eating and fun and most poetic. Some of the other fellows are allowed into the secret.