Last night Mam and I were talking about poor old Scully. He is a terrible loss to us. If he were here we would all have had many an enjoyable and delightful evening. The stories of his conjuring tricks, his pranks, his jokes, his never-failing store of sources of amusement, and his kindheartedness are endless. This is, of course, all apart from his painting qualities. He is such a character as Addison or Dickens would delight in, but now he has gone over to England, and he is probably lost for ever. – Was in a mess to-day, because Dr. Scannell is putting on the Irish exam for to-morrow, and the rest for all day on Tues. and Wed. Apart from having to put off Arthur’s and my intended trip to Fountainstown to-morrow, I am in a pickle as to how when and what to study for the exams. – In speaking about Maynooth and Rome, Scannie said it is possible that two in our class, if they pass Matric., may get to the new Irish College this year! – Col. Brase was supposed to come to us to-day on his return from Locarno and the Crown Prince, but he couldn’t, as the liner was late. Got 3 great Maltese self-government stamps from Margherita to-day, one worth 8/6, one 3/6 and one 3d!