Order of exams to-day – history 9.30-12, Latin 12.45-3.15. The history paper was very interesting, and not too hard. Amongst the questions were to describe the movement of the different tribes in Western Europe about 511 a.d.; give an account of the Thirty Years War; to show how the contest for overseas colonies during the 18th century re-acted on the European situation; Napoleon’s Russian campaign, and the ‘Reign of terror’. I think I got on fairly well, but that remains to be seen. The Latin paper was a 1924 senior hons., and the composition was very stiff, though the trans. at sight was not too bad. I think I did quite well too. Went home quite pleased that the exams are well over. Worked at some Irish and English for to-morrow. Nannie did not come. She is taking a holy holiday at Mount Melleray. ((Mount Melleray is a Cistercian Trappist monastery, founded in 1832 on the Knockmealdown Mountains near Cappoquin Co. Waterford after the French mother-house had been closed down.))