After getting through some of my work to-day, ‘scidaddled’ off to Horgans. Found Ivor and Joe with a new air-gun that Mr. Horgan gave them, which they were taking to pieces, of course. Went out in boat after dinner, and were fooling about, when Ivor smashed the new gun! They were going to give me Joe’s old Diana air-gun when they got the new one, but of course they couldn’t now as the new one was smashed. Joe and I cycled to Iniscarra after, and had two glorious swims, going right across the river, and diving from the opposite boat. It was delicious in the boiling day! Examined the graveyard after, where there is a grave of Johannus Colthurst, 1680, with a Latin inscription beginning: ‘Siste, nator, ut cognoscas …’. We got a fine ‘langer’ from a Ford lorry on the way out up the steepest hill, [i.e. held on to the back of the lorry] but were not so lucky on the way back. Came home and finished all my work.