Exit poor Queen Margherita II. Her rule is over and her dynasty deposed by a ‘revolution from above’. It is always horrible when someone who has been living with us for over a year goes. It is always a sharp break. Poor Margareth [sic] has great qualities, her only fault being her bad temper. Next year will be very strange with so many variations from the past, and a maid gone is always a strong one. We will have nobody until September, but as we are going to Cappoquin, to Dunmanway and to Dublin, it won’t be so bad. – Had our first self-made dinner of prawns, salad, tomatoes, egg and bananas! – Went to Betty after dinner, and we played a few games of tennis. She insisted on going to the pictures, so we went to the Colosseum. We saw the Eucharistic Congress in Chicago, and King Fuad, and Zaghlul Pasha, a fine old figure, entering the Egyptian Parliament. The picture was ‘Standing on Shin Lee’, an American detective story, not too bad for its kind.