4th Friday ((Aloys had decided to go to mass every first Friday of the month for nine months, following a set of Catholic devotions in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus advocated by the French mystic St Margaret Mary Alacoque, who was canonised in 1920.)) Read Kipling’s ‘Stalky & Co’. It is a typically English school-boy story, but exceedingly humorous and witty, and told in a florid imaginative style. Walked to Douglas to get my history note-book from John Cottrell, who had it since June. – Began Hunt’s ‘Summary of Musical History’, and am learning 12 Irish melodies, to be dissected by a chapter of MacPherson’s on form in music, binary and ternary.
Thus ends the last entry of my daily diary. For Páp ((Páp: Aloys´ father, Aloys Fleischmann senior (1880-1964), born in Dachau in Bavaria, composer, choirmaster and organist in the Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne since 1906. In the early part of the 1926 diary, Aloys refers to him as ´Pappie’.)) told me to-day that the latter is all waste of time and energy and that I should start a weekly diary. So I will do, writing it on Sunday. I think it is all in melius [for the better]. I attempted to convey properly an account of my ordinary life, but once this account was scribbled in 5 minutes, it could not become too classical, and would neither be interesting to myself nor anyone else in later years. Accordingly I surrender, but custom dies hard, and I will [miss] these 5 mins. of scribbling very much. Adieu!