Slept out till late in the morning. Got through my school-work in patches during the morning. After dinner I called up to Timmie Leary’s house and we went for a walk. We saw a good few rabbits, but didn’t go after them. All the Leary family have the old Irish tradition of hospitality. We had the wrong time, and when I came home it was too late to make our proposed trip to Bandon. It was very careless of me and Fr. Pat was annoyed. Denis, who cleans the car, kicked up a row too, because I moved the car from the garage to the door, thinking it would be near for Fr. Pat to go off in. After went for a swim in the Bandon, and Sandy, Fr. Pat’s dog was killing. He hates the water, but by suddenly throwing stones when he was near the bank, he fell in a few times. After tea read ‘Lands and Peoples’.