On Tuesday swotted at History, Latin and English till my head ached, and till I was like Browning’s Grammarian with ‘eyes like lead, accents uncertain.’ Then sat and shivered on Wed. for Latin 9-12. Comp. was easy, but trans. at sight stiff and history fierce, all about literature and the empire. With buzzing head scribbled my history paper 1.00-3.30 doing questions with note on restriction on Irish trade, their nature and repeal; naval power struggle between England and Bourbon powers 1715-1805; Napoleon’s organisation of France; Prussia’s transformation after Jena and Congress of Vienna. English Thursday 9-12. Wrote fair comp. on ‘My favourite poet’ taking Keats, but could have done much better. Questions on literature were fair, except one which required placing of passages; Irish and maths. followed. Papers were set outside, but on the whole were fair and interesting. And now a happiness! HOLS !!! [Easter holidays]
Will read Carlyle, Goldsmith and Johnson for English comp.