Colonel Brase came to us to-day at 4. He is calling at Cork on his way to Germany, via the ‘Thuringia’ liner to Cherbourg. I was not there for tea with him, however, as I went to Hilser’s party after dinner, having first got Confession. Fr. Engelmann, Sophie and Irmah, Joe and Miretta Mangan were there and four O’Sullivans. We had a very jolly evening, beginning with the card game ‘Answers’, then a fine tea, and afterwards more dancing, in which Joe, Mary Hilser and I did much execution by doing whirling and fantastic solos. After we had a splendid game called ‘Consequences’ and forfeits. The latter were fairly strong. Lemonade and jelly were no small delight. Left at 12 and did not find Pappie angry as expected. Colonel Brase went to Cobh at about 10 for early morning embarkation.