Rose at 7 and went in Miss O’Brien’s taxi, who stayed with us last night, but on account of dizziness could not go to the service to the Cathedral. The ceremonies went off very well, though lasting 2½ hours. The choir sung the Kyrie and the Gloria from Pembauer’s Mass, and I had to turn over, and control the roller for Mammie as usual. ((Tilly Fleischmann had graduated in 1905 from the Royal Academy of Music in Munich with organ as one of her two subjects; she often played during major ceremonies at the cathedral, which allowed her husband to concentrate on the choir. During his internment and subsequent deportation to Germany (Jan 1916-Sep 1920) she officiated in his stead.)) Afterwards we all had a nice breakfast in Fr. Willie O’Brien’s room, and then I went home, buying things for a fine pudding for to-morrow, Mammie’s birthday, and sorted out old programmes. It is extraordinary what a number of fine concerts poor Pappie and Mammie gave before, and are still giving. Went at my old composition again. I am afraid I’m badly stuck. Went to Tenebrae, and though kneeling and crushed the whole time in the small gallery, I felt it really beautiful. There was a practice after, and we all listened. Some of the little fellows looked like tiny cherubs singing with all their might. The Turba was great.